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The book "Surrounded by Idiots" was authored by Thomas Erikson, a behavioral scientist and author from Sweden. The book examines the many personality types and interpersonal communication styles. The Dominant, Influential, Steady, and Conscientious (DISC) model, which Erikson utilizes, divides people into these four personality categories. Human behavior comes even before we ware born. Hard-wired values are learned as a child from environment and from parents. Attitudes are formed opinions based on experience. There are four types of human behavior as DISA behavior Dominant :- Dominant people have quick reactions and maximum to control and like to work in current time frame Inspiring :- They have rapid reactions and like to think about future and they don't like to be isolated. Stable :- They like to stay as calm as possible and they like to avoid changes. Most of the time they are very supportive. Analytical:- Th...